곽진영 갑상선암센터
갑상선 유방 영상 및 인터벤션
- 진료분야
- 갑상선 유방 영상 및 인터벤션
- 학력
- 2003. 3 -2006. 2 충남대학교 의과대학원 약리학 (박사)
- 1998. 3 -2001. 2 경북대학교 의과대학원 면역학 (석사)
- 1988. 3 - 1994. 2 경북대학교 의과대학 (의학사)
- 경력
- 2006.3-2008.2 연세의대 영상의학교실 임상조교수
- 2008.3-2010.2 연세의대 영상의학교실 조교수
- 2010.3-2014.2 연세의대 영상의학교실 부교수
- 2014.3-현재 연세의대 영상의학교실 교수
- 학술활동
- [ Awards ]
- KSR-태준영상의학상 (2017.10.27)
- 유한의학상 대상 (2016.4.15)
- Excellent Research Professor Award. Yonsei College of Medicine 2010
- Accuzen Young Investigator Award. 2011. Korean radiological society
- KSR-최다피인용 KJR 논문상 (2016.09.22)
- 대한갑상선학회 우수논문상 (교신저자) (2018.08.25)
- Ultrasonography 피인용상 최우수상 (2016.05.20)_대한초음파의학회_2016
- Ultrasonography 인용상 (2016.05.20)_대한초음파의학회
- 학술상-우수상 (교신저자), The 46th Annual Congress of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine (2015.05.15-16)
- Best scientific subject Award. Scientific assembly Korean Thyroid Association 2015.8.29, corresponding author)
- KJR (Korean Journal of Radiology) 발전상 (2015.9.9-9.12)
- Bukyoung Academic Award. Scientific assembly Korean Thyroid Association 2012.9.1)
- Best scientific subject Award. Scientific assembly Korean Thyroid Association 2012.9.1)
- Yuyu Academic Award. Scientific assembly Korean Thyroid Association (2011.8.19-20)
- Best International Article Award. 66th Scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Korean radiological society 2010
- Young Investigators Scholarship. Choi SH, Kwak JY (corresponding author), Kim EK, Kim HJ. Factors affecting inadequate sampling of US-guided thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy. WFUMB 2009 12th world congress of the world federation for ultrasound in medicine and biology
- Best Poster Presentation. Choi SH, Kwak JY (corresponding author), Kim EK, Kim HJ. Thyroid Ultrasonography: Pitfalls and Techniques. WFUMB 2009 12th world congress of the world federation for ultrasound in medicine and biology
- Gold Award, Scientific Exhibit. Choi SH, Kwak JY (corresponding author), Kim EK, Chung SY, Yang Ik, Kim SJ, Moon HJ, Kim MJ. Thyroid Ultrasonography: Pitfalls and Techniques. 40th Scientific assembly and annual meeting of Korean society of Ultrasound in Medicine (2009.5.22-5.23)
- Best International Article Award. Kwak JY, Kim EK, Yun M, Cho A, Kim MJ, Son EJ, Oh KK. Thyroid incidentalomas identified by 18F-FDG PET: sonographic correlation. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008;191:598-603. 40th Scientific assembly and annual meeting of Korean society of Ultrasound in Medicine (2009.5.22-5.23)
- Bronze Award, Scientific Exhibit. Kwak JY, Kim EK, Kim MJ, Moon WJ, Oh KK, Son EJ, Kim KW. Extrathyroidal Lesions Mimicking Thyroidal Lesions: Patterns, Pearls, and Differentiation with Thyroid Leisons. 38th Scientific assembly and annual meeting of Korean society of Ultrasound in Medicine (2007.5.18-5.19)
- Gold Award, Scientific Exhibit. Kim SJ, Kwak JY (corresponding author), Kim EK, Kim MJ, Park SH. Preoperative Thyroid Cancer Staging: What the Radiologist should Know. 63th Scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Korean radiological society (2007.10.22-10.24)
- [ Honors ]
- 대한민국의학한림원 정회원 (2020~)
- ACR (American College of Radiology) TIRADS Lexicon member (2014 - 2015)
- 연세의대 (Yonsei college of medicine), Yonsei Medical Journal 편집위원 (Editorial Board ), (2011 - present)
- 대한갑상선영상의학회 (the Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology), 학술이사 (Director, Academic Committee) (201402-201602)
- 대한영상의학회 (the Korean Radiological Society), 학술위원 (Academic Board) (2015-201602)
- 연세의대 (Yonsei college of medicine), Institutional Review Board (2011 - 2013)
- 대한갑상선영상의학회 (the Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology), 무임소이사 (201602-201612)
- 대한갑상선학회 (Korean Thyroid Association), 학술위원 (Academic Board) (2012 - 201612)
- 대한초음파학회 (the Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound), 홍보간사 (Public Relations Board, Assistant Administrator) (2007 - 2012)
- 대한영상의학회 (the Korean Radiological Society), Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 논문심사위원 (2005 - 2008)
- 대한초음파학회 (the Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound) 편집위원 (201006~ 201312)
- Ultrasonography 편집위원 (201310-201512)
- 대한초음파학회 (the Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound), 대한초음파학회지 Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound) 논문심사위원 (Reviewer), (2004-21312)
- 대한영상의학회 (the Korean Radiological Society), 홍보위원 (Public Relations Board 2007 - 2012)
- 대한의학회 (Korean Academy of Medical Science), Journal of the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences 논문심사위원 (2007 - 2009)
- 한국의료영상품질관리원, 대한영상의학회 (the Korean Radiological Society), 품질관리교육부 간사 (2007-2008)
- 대한유방검진의학회 (the Korean Society for Breast Screening), 유방검진학회지 (Journal of the Korean Society for Breast Screening) 편집위원 (2004 - 2005)?
- 대한영상의학회 (the Korean Radiological Society), 보험위원 (Insurance Board (2003 - 2005)
- [ Professional affiliations ]
- Member, The Korean Medical Association (1994 - present )
- Member, The Korean Radiological Society (2001 - present)
- Member, The Korean Society of Breast Imaging (2002 - present)
- Member, The Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound (2002 - present)
- Member, The Korean Breast Cancer Society (2003 - present)
- Member, The Korean Thyroid Society (2007 - present)
- 진료철학
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